What is the Cost of Living in Sacramento?
Sperling’s Best Places provides us with cost of living information for Sacramento along with comparisons to the averages for the US and California.
The Sperling’s scale represents the average USA cost of living as 100, with numbers above 100 representing a higher cost of living, and numbers below 100 representing a lower cost of living.
On that scale, the cost of living for California is 149.9 on average. But in Sacramento, it is only 118.2, making Sacramento significantly more affordable than California as a whole.
The biggest difference in cost of living between Sacramento, the rest of California, and the US as a whole it is housing.
The median home cost in the USA is $231,200. For California, it is $552,800. For Sacramento, it is $327,300.
So, purchasing a home in Sacramento will cost you more than it would in many other locations across the country, but less than it would in many other California locations.